Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School

The All Saints' Trust

Catholic Life and Mission

Our School Mission Statement flows through all that we do at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School: 
"We are learning to Grow and Love Like Jesus"

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School is a school in which each individual grows in the knowledge and love of Christ. In partnership with families, the parish and the whole community, our purpose is to provide a high standard of education, giving the maximum opportunity to realise each person’s potential.  Our Catholic faith is experienced and reflected in the way in which all members of our community treat each other. We place great importance on relationships and positive behaviour, encouraging respect, co-operation and consideration.

RE is taught for 10% of the weekly timetable. The curriculum is based on the delivery of the Curriculum Directory supported by the Margaret Carswell Units. We also teach other major faiths across the school in Multi-Faith Weeks that reflect the diverse world in which the children live.

RE is also a focus in our fortnightly newsletter.

The Christian values at the heart of our Catholic faith incorporate the British values and we aim in everything we do to further each child's sense of commitment and responsibility to themselves, to others and in the wider world.

At Our Lady of Grace we strive to live and learn through our Gospel values and the teachings of Jesus Christ in all that we think, say and do.

Our School's Vision and Purpose

Our Lady of Grace Infant School serves the Catholic Parish of St Mary and St Andrew.

We provide a welcoming atmosphere.

We encourage a sense of belonging to our Faith Community.

Love, care and respect are the values we cherish.

We create an enriching environment where each individual is valued.

Through our partnership with home and parish the children can learn and grow to the best of their abilities.

 Our School’s Aims:

Underpinning the life of the school is our aim to preserve and develop:-

  • A caring Christian Community, in partnership with the children’s homes and the parish of St Mary and St Andrew.
  • The Spiritual formation of our children through Liturgy and Worship and appropriate Religious Education.
  • A respect and care for each other, mutual toleration and sympathy, awareness of the human dignity of each person, as made in the image of Christ, irrespective of race, religion, social background or disability.
  • A positive self image for each pupil, a sense of individual worth and an appreciation of the value of his/her contribution to the school.
  • Standards of behaviour, which are based on love and respect, in all circumstances

 Our curriculum seeks to:-

  • Recognise that everything we do and teach ultimately relates to our belief in God.
  • Meet the needs of young children through the provision of opportunities for first hand experience and plenty of practical work.
  • Provide equal access and opportunity for all children regardless of gender or special need.
  • Foster a sense of enquiry and a love of learning, as well as to encourage the ability to think for oneself and become an independent learner.
  • Enable children to work collaboratively together, and with adults, forming good social relationships.
  • Ensure the highest levels of achievement for each child according to his/her capabilities, through quality teaching, high expectations, a regard for Truth and making the best possible use of available resources
  • Help children develop a sense of responsibility and respect for the world around them.
  • Generally promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of our children, as they grow and develop in our care. 

Mini Vinnies

The Society of St Vincent de Paul has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Mini Vinnies are children in Year 2 who meet once a week to reflect on the Gospel and pray together. They think of ways to help others in school, in the locality and in the wider world through fundraising. The Mini Vinnies have their own 'treasured' Prayer, Pledge and Badge. It is an important way of developing the children’s faith and sense of mission as Christians, as well as an awareness of social justice. All children in Year 2 are given the opportunity to be a Mini Vinnie during the year.

Liturgical Year

As an integral part of our Catholic ethos, all pupils are made aware, throughout the school year, of the changes and celebrations relating to the Church's Liturgical Year. These events are highlighted in our sacred space in our assembly hall and in every classroom’s personal sacred space. The children are aware of the liturgical changes with the changing colours of our cloths and displays.

We spend time in our Religious Education lessons looking at the events in the churches calendar and we celebrate many of them together through collective worship.

Autumn - Prayer tables and displays across the school are green at the start of the academic year.  These are changed to purple during Advent.

Spring - Prayer tables are gold for the Christmas season then green for Ordinary Time after the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord.  These are changed to purple during Lent.

Summer - Prayer tables are gold for the Easter season until Pentecost where they change to green for Ordinary Time.