Important Information
School Hours
School Hours
School sessions are from: 8.30am to 3.00pm - totalling 32.5 hours per week
Children should be brought to their classroom doors for 8.25am to enable a prompt start of the school day at 8.30am. The school gates will close promptly at 8.30am. If you arrive after this time, you will need to bring your child to the School Office and complete the Late Book.
It is important that children are collected on time, as young children can become very upset if they have to wait. Any children not collected from the appropriate pick-up point are brought back into the building to wait in the School Office area
You must notify the school of any changes to the arrangements for collecting your child, particularly if an emergency arises.
Nursery Hours
Nursery Hours
Our new Nursery building was opened in April 2018 and caters for children who will be 4 years of age during the school year. Attendance is either full-time or on a part-time morning basis, with a maximum of 52 children admitted each year. The Nursery is staffed by one Teacher, one Nursery Nurse and several Nursery Assistants.
Foundation Stage 1 (Part-Time Nursery) sessions are from 8:30am to 11:30am
Full-Time Nursery sessions are from 8.30am to 3.00pm
We offer the 30 hours free childcare for 3 & 4 year olds of working parents. This funding is available to families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family) and each parent earns, on average a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum wage (NMW) or national living wage (NLW), and less than £100,000 per year.
If there are available spaces, we also offer additional hours for parents of children in part-time nursery to purchase at a cost of £6.00/hour.
Please click here for further information
School Meals
School Meals
All children at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School are entitled to a free school meal paid for by the Government.
Please click here for the current menu which operates on a 3 week cycle.
Our school meal provider, Radish, are providing hot, nutritious meals cooked on-site. The School expects that all children will take up this offer of a free school meal unless there are specific dietary or medical conditions supported by a doctor's note. Please contact the School Office for the appropriate form to apply for a special diet.
If you do not want your child to receive a free school meal, an appointment should be made to discuss this with the Headteacher.
We are now offering school meals to all full-time nursery children, the cost of which is £2.70/day. Payment can be made via scopay.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care of the children is the responsibility of the Headteacher, Teachers and Nursery/Welfare/Teaching Assistants who work closely together to provide a caring environment that will respond to the individual needs of the child.
As children progress, they are encouraged to develop a growing independence and self-confidence that is nurtured in a caring and loving school atmosphere. The children are led to develop self-respect and self-esteem, so that they more readily respect each other, their teachers and all associated with the school. They are expected to take a pride in their work, their appearance and in the school environment itself.
Parents are advised that the school has responsibilities with regard to the protection of children from abuse. There are procedures, which we must and will follow if abuse of any kind is suspected.
Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and Punctuality
The school is required by Law to provide the DfE with figures regarding attendance. All attendance records are monitored by the school and by the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO).
If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school by 8.00am as follows:
Call the School Office - 020 8450 6757 and leave a message on our dedicated attendance line
Send an email to:
Send a message via the School AppIf your child's absence is likely to be ongoing, please contact the school to keep us informed. Children should not return to school until they are fit.
Please click here to read more
Medical Matters
Medical Matters
Routine Medical Inspections
The School Nurse makes frequent and regular visits to the school to carry out Health Interviews and hearing and eye tests etc. Parents may make an appointment to see her if they have any particular worries.
Prescribed medicines will be administered only in exceptional circumstances, other than for ongoing illnesses such as asthma. In all cases full information of medication to be administered is required in writing before any medicine is given to a child. Parents are asked to see the Welfare Assistant or the Headteacher if they would like to discuss any medical matters.
A child who needs Calpol is not well enough to be in school.
A child on three doses of anti-biotics does not need a dose in school as a dose can be given in the morning, after school and at bedtime.
Please click here for Medical Form to be completed
Communication with Parents
Communication with Parents
The school is a place where full co-operation between the teaching, non-teaching staff, our parents, Governors and clergy can take place for the benefit of our children. It is our aim to achieve the fullest possible co-operation
As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide the school with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses on which you can be contacted. The Newsletter (currently fortnightly) and the majority of our communications with parents will be sent by e-mail to those addresses registered. It is most important that you advise the School Office of any change to e-mail addresses to ensure that you receive the most up-to-date information from the school. Information can also be obtained via the school app or on our website. Urgent messages from the School will be sent by text to the mobile phone numbers you have registered with us.
Day-to-day communication from our teachers will be via Google Classroom.
If you need to contact your child's teacher, we have set up year group e-mails for parents to use:
For all other enquiries, please email:
Parents are also welcome to make arrangements with individual tachers, or the Headteacher, at a mutually convenient time. Should a problem arise, parents should contact the teacher or Headteacher immediately.
Online Payments
Online Payments
For any activity where a charge is made, payment should be made using our online payment system with Schools Cash Office. In the first week of your child starting at the school, you will be sent an email giving you details of how to register with our online payment provider. We would urge all parents to register as soon as they receive this email to ensure there is no delay in you being able to access our after school activities, Early Birds Breakfast club, Busy Bees After School Club and school trips. The website is:
In addition, you will only be able to sign up for Parents Evening by using the scopay website - so it is most important that you register as soon as your child starts school.
Pupil PremiumHow to Claim
Pupil Premium
You can check your entitlement for Pupil Premium by either:
completing the LGFL School Form here and returning to the School Office
Carrying out a self check on LGFL Eligibility Checker
Applying online via Brent Council
Complete the Brent Council form and return to Brent Council