Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School

The All Saints' Trust

Religious Education Directory


Religious Education Directory (RED)

The Religious Education Directory serves as a vital resource for Catholic schools, helping parents understand the core values and teachings their children will receive in religious education. It emphasises the importance of faith development in young learners, fostering both spiritual growth and moral integrity. Parents are encouraged to be active participants in this journey, supporting their children’s understanding of God's love and the teachings of the Church. As the Directory states, "Parents, as the first educators of their children, have the right and the duty to guide their children towards the discovery of God."



Prayer and Liturgy Directory

The Prayer and Liturgy Directory is a guide for parents to understand how Catholic schools integrate prayer and worship into daily life. It outlines the role of prayer in nurturing children’s spiritual growth and fostering a sense of community through participation in the Church’s liturgical celebrations. The Directory encourages parents to support their children's prayer life at home and help them develop a deep, personal connection with God. As it states, "Liturgy and prayer are essential ways in which children come to know, love, and serve God."


Prayer and Liturgy Directory