Our Governors
Mary Ann CooperFoundation - Chair of Governors
Mary Ann Cooper
Role / Responsibility
Deputy Safeguarding
Chair of the Resources Committee
Peter KeaneFoundation
Peter Keane
Role / Responsibility
Mrs P BourneEx-Officio - Headteacher Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School
Mrs P Bourne
Mr S McGrathEx-Officio - Headteacher Our Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School
Mr S McGrath
Florence AgbugbaVice Chair - Foundation Governor
Florence Agbugba
Role / Responsibility
Vice Chair / RE & Catholic Life of the School
Gabriella BernardFoundation Governor
Gabriella Bernard
Role / Responsibility
Geraldine ColesCo-Opted Governor
Geraldine Coles
Role / Responsibility
GDPR and Cyber Security
Nicola HartStaff Governor
Nicola Hart
Fr Michael O'DohertyFoundation Governor
Fr Michael O'Doherty
Role / Responsibility:
RE & Catholic Life of the School
, -
Sharon Kahapala-ArachigeParent Governor
Sharon Kahapala-Arachige
Role / Responsibility
Health and Safety
Dr Henry Mumbi
Dr Henry Mumbi
Mr David Curtis
Mr David Curtis
If you need to contact either Chair of the Local Governing Committee,
Mary Ann Cooper / Peter Keane, please email: chair@ologfederation.co.uk
or email the clerk - Cathi Hughes at clerk@ologfederation.co.uk
Please click here for full details of the Membership of the Local Governing Committee and register of Governor business/pecuniary interest for 2024-25 and Governor attendance for 2023-24.
The nominated person who deals with Governor Applications to Our Lady of Grace is Mary Ann Cooper, Chair, email: chair@ologinfants.brent.sch.uk
Governor Types - Terms of Office: 4 Years
Foundation Governor - Appointed by the Diocese of Westminster
Parent Governor - Elected by the Parent Body
Staff Governor - Elected by the Staff Body
Local Authority representative - Appointed by the Local Authority
Co-Opted Governor - Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Local Governing Committee and are people who, in their opinion, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. On our Local Governing Committee we have one Co-opted Governor who is a staff member of the Federation.
Please click here for full details of how to become a Foundation Governor or visit the Diocese of Westminster website for further information