Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School

The All Saints' Trust

Mini Vinnies

The Mini Vinnies are quite literally mini St Vincent de Paul's.

The Society of St Vincent de Paul has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Mini Vinnies are children in Year 2 who meet once a week to reflect on the Gospel and pray together. They think of ways to help others in school, in the locality and in the wider world through fundraising. The Mini Vinnies have their own 'treasured' Prayer, Pledge and Badge. It is an important way of developing the children’s faith and sense of mission as Christians, as well as an awareness of social justice. All children in Year 2 are given the opportunity to be a Mini Vinnie during the year.

To see last years Mini Vinnies  click here 

Our Minni Vinnies for the Autumn Term 2023-24


 Our Mini Vinnies helped to raise money and awareness for Fairtrade Fortnight, Macmillan and collected food for Brent Food Bank.


Autumn 2  

Our Mini Vinnies were commissioned by Fr Michael on St Catherine Laboure's feast day.



 Spring 1/2


 Our New Mini Vinnies were commissioned by Fr Michael at our Parish Mass 



Summer 1





Please click here to look at  what our Mini Vinnies did this year